Diecast Miniatures Catalog

Hot Wheels Matchbox Catalog – The Hot Wheels Matchbox catalog was created to help collectors more easily find the miniatures created year after year.

What we have so far: Matchbox: 1953 to 1980; Hot Wheels: 1968 to 1979, Boulevard, Retro & Replica Entertainment, STH, Gulf, Car Culture, Pop Culture, Team Transport, Hot Wheels Collectors (RLC, Elite 64, Colab). This diecast miniatures catalog is continually updated. Other years will be added over time.

Miniaturas já cadastradas: Matchbox: 1953 a 1980, Hot Wheels: 1968 a 1979, Boulevard, Retro & Replica Entertainment, STH, Gulf, Car Culture, Pop Culture, Team Transport, Hot Wheels Collectors (RLC, Elite 64, Colab). O catálogo de miniaturas diecast está sendo continuamente atualizado. Aos poucos, os outros anos serão adicionados.

Miniaturas ya registradas: Matchbox: 1953 a 1980, Hot Wheels: 1968 a 1979, Boulevard, Retro & Replica Entertainment, STH, Gulf, Car Culture, Pop Culture, Team Transport, Hot Wheels Collectors (RLC, Elite 64, Colab). El catálogo de miniaturas diecast se actualiza continuamente. Poco a poco se irán añadiendo otros años.

Showing 1–48 of 4220 results

The Hot Wheels and Matchbox catalog is an irresistible invitation to the world of automobile collecting, a space where nostalgia and passion for cars meet in detailed and authentic pieces. With the combination of these two iconic brands, this catalog offers a true journey through time, bringing together models that delight both the youngest and most experienced collectors.

The catalog also features limited and exclusive editions, with rare models that delight the most demanding fans. Special editions often include customized cars, commemorative editions of films, events or even collaborations with real car brands, which makes these miniatures even more valuable.

In addition, many collectors seek miniatures with exclusive features, such as special wheels, metallic finishes and custom paintwork, which are ideal for those who want to not only collect, but also invest in rare and high-value items in the collectibles market.

The Hot Wheels and Matchbox catalog goes beyond simple miniatures; it is a gateway to a fascinating world where each piece has a story and a meaning. Whether you’re a longtime collector or a budding enthusiast, the catalog offers something for everyone, allowing you to create a personalized collection that reflects your own journey through the world of automobiles.

With models that convey emotion, style and history, the Hot Wheels and Matchbox catalog of miniatures continues to win hearts and inspire new generations to explore the world of miniatures. After all, each miniature is an invitation to relive the magic of cars, with a touch of nostalgia and the promise of endless adventures!