What is Hot Wheels Treasure Hunt?
Hot Wheels STH e TH
What is Hot Wheels Treasure Hunt? Those who follow collectors’ groups are always faced with this question, especially asked by novice collectors. Despite the Hot Wheels collectors’ “pot of gold” being the STH (Super Treasure Hunt), there is also the TH (Treasure Hunt). They are also called Super T-Hunt and T-Hunt.
In this article we will teach you how to identify TH and STH, and show you how it all started.
Treasure Hunt Series
In 1995 a Hot Wheels introduced Treasure Hunts to their lineup. Initially, 12 models were launched per year, one per month. They came with special spectraflame paint, wheels with rubber tires and initial production of just 10,000 units that were sold worldwide. However, this number has increased since then due to demand and popularity.

The first Treasure Hunts were identified on the card with the term “Treasure Hunt” or “T-Hunt”. This was written on the art of the card or on a green bar. In addition, some of them came with a treasure chest drawn on the card.

Introducing the TH and STH
In 2007 Mattel changed the series and released the T-Hunt and Super T-Hunt. The T-Hunt had common paint and wheels, the same as the basic line. The Super T-Hunt had the rubber-tyred wheels of the Real Riders, as well as Spectraflame paint. All 12 Treasure Hunts were released in TH and STH versions. TH were identified on the card as T-Hunt or Treasure Hunts, and STH as T-Hunt$ or Trea$ure Hunt$.

In 2012 the T-Hunt continued to have their own series, identified as Treasure Hunts ’12. However, the Super T-Hunts were mixed into the mainline being identified only by the Spectraflame paint, rubber tires and a symbol on the car, a stylized TH.
In 2013 the same change was applied to T-Hunts. From there, both were mixed in the mainline, being identified with only one symbol: a circle with a flame for the T-Hunts and a stylized TH in the case of the Super T-Hunts. Symbol colors vary depending on the car color.

A new change applied from 2015 onwards was the inclusion of the circle with the flame on the cards behind the miniature in silver for TH, and gold for STH.

Click here to see the list of Super Treasure Hunts released year by year.
Thanks to André Schwartz and Flávio for the photos provided.